Titlesort descending Location Date
Pediatric Health Network Grand Rounds (2025) 01/29/2025 to 12/31/2025
PEM Professional Development (2025) Emergency Department Conference Room (in-person) and Zoom (virtual) 01/02/2025 to 12/04/2025
Professorial Rounds (2025) 2nd Floor Auditorium (Main Campus) and Zoom 01/09/2025 to 12/25/2025
Rad University (RadU) Radiology Conference Room and Virtual 01/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
Radiology Journal Club (2025) Radiology unit 01/30/2025 to 12/31/2025
Safety First RN Safety Champion Program (2025) Children's National Hospital - Microsoft Teams Site 01/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
Skin Team: Skin Prevention Program (2025) Children's National Hospital 01/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
The Conway Chair Conversations (2025) Virtual 01/07/2025 to 12/31/2025
The Responsible Conduct of Research (2025) Children's National Hospital Virtual Platform 01/16/2025 to 12/18/2025
Virtual Lunch and Learns for Primary Care Providers (2025) 01/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
