Ashley Smith-Fraser, CPNP-PC
Ashley Smith Fraser is a pediatric dermatology nurse practitioner at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC. She earned her BSN and MSN from The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. She is chair of the Advanced Practice Provider Council at Children’s National, member of the Medical Executive Committee and Director on the Board for the Society of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners. She specializes inflammatory skin conditions and biologic therapies.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Grant Or ContractIneligible company:RegeneronDate added:11/06/2024Date updated:11/06/2024Relationship end date:12/01/2025
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Independent contractorIneligible company:SanofiTopic:SpeakerDate added:11/06/2024Date updated:11/06/2024Relationship end date:12/01/2025