Nobuyuki Ishibashi
Dr. Ishibashi is a Laboratory Director at Children’s National Heart Center and Principal Investigator of the Center for Neuroscience Research and Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation at Children’s National Research Institute. He holds an appointment as Foglia-Hills Professor of Pediatric Cardiac Research at Children’s National Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Physiology at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science. Previously Dr. Ishibashi completed clinical training in pediatric cardiac surgery at the Heart Institute of Japan, Tokyo Women’s Medical University. His research activities focus on studying how congenital heart disease (CHD) and subsequent cardiac surgery affect the rapidly developing brain. He has an established research program with over $2M per year in total funding from the National Institutes of Health and other funding sources. The Ishibashi laboratory has successfully utilized sophisticated and cutting-edge neuroscience techniques to study brain development in translational preclinical models. His team has demonstrated the relationship between the subventricular zone and cortical growth in CHD. The long-term goal of his research program is to optimize treatment strategy and develop new approaches that will reduce neurodevelopmental impairment in children with CHD. Results from his translational research have led to development of a Phase 1 trial (MeDCaP trial, NCT04236479) at Children’s National, of which he is one of principal investigators
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:10/11/2024Date updated:10/11/2024